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Our Adventure Begins Here


We are Rocky and Sarah, two adventurers in love. We travel the world sometimes in our van named Tina and we share our favorite experiences on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media communities. We think now is a great time for people who live and love like us to explore, adventure, and love! This is a space for us to share our journey with you, from the highs to the lows, the laughter to the tears. Follow along with us as we explore the world and all the wonderful experiences it has to offer. After 2 years of traveling to exciting places and learning how to be digital nomads we have enough to share a new project with our community in the form of a blog.
​We often do not have enough time to tell you all the wonderful details awe want to share in vied or social posts so all of that now has a new home here. This page was also created as a quick reference page for people wanting to connect with us on our other offers like group travel, adult s-x education, and collaborations. Thank you for being part of our growing sweet friends community. We love you!

Travel Stats

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